Before reading any further, please understand that this chapter deals with non-consensual sex and is EXTREMELY graphic.


 Part 8 ~ I've Got No Soul to Sell


She tapped her beautifully manicured acrylic nails on the table impatiently, fathomless dark eyes simmering with irritation as she watched for him.


How dare he stand her up? And this was the second time in a week!


Who in the hell did Xander Harris think he was? Her inner rant continued until she spied Harmony Kendall and her herd of sheep flocking towards her. Wonderful. Expressive brown eyes rolled with dramatic precision. Now she would be forced to endure their sly innuendos and bitchy comments about her choice in boyfriends. Her crappy night was complete.


Cordelia snatched up her tiny handbag and slid off her stool. She’d show him. Xander Harris was about to learn that Cordelia Chase waited for no man!


“Hi, Cordy.”


Except maybe this one.


Although technically he wasn’t a man. Well, not a living one, but compared to what this town had to offer, he was a definite step up. Pasting on her patented cheerleader smile, she turned to face him.


“Angel.” Her voice was a sultry purr as she sidled a little closer. Xander who? She though bitterly. She was perfectly aware of her boyfriend’s hatred for the dark haired vampire and planned to capitalize on it.


“Waiting for the others?” he asked casually. One strong hand clasped her elbow lightly as he led her back to the table she’d just vacated.


Cordelia made a big show of blinking in confusion. “The others?”


“You know. Xander. Willow.” The faintest pause. “Buffy maybe?”


A trill of forced laughter bubbled forth. “Why would I ever be waiting on those losers?”


Angel frowned. “I thought you and Xander were…”


She leaned forward and laid a soft, pampered hand on his muscled forearm. “So over that,” she advised him with a coquettish wink. Cordelia’s heart leapt when he smiled at her and laid his hand over hers resting on his arm.


“Why are you here? Waiting on Buffy?” she probed with studied carelessness.


“Buffy is… busy tonight. I decided I needed some…me time,” he said, his soft voice sending a curl of lust up her spine.


Mmm. Buffy’s loss, Cordy thought smugly. Hadn’t she told the blonde that when it came to men, she was the slayer? She sighed. They never listened.


“Would you care for a drink?”


“Sure! Evian is fine,” she told him, bumping up the wattage on her perfect smile.


Cordelia watched him as he made his way to the bar, fully aware of the expressions of stunned surprise on the faces of Harmony and her friends. Take that, you bitches!


Angel was back and slid a glass in front of her. Cordelia frowned as she stared down at it in disbelief. That was not Evian water. She picked up the tall stemmed glass and leveled a look at the normally broody vampire over its rim.


“What is this?” she demanded, her charming façade slipping the slightest bit.


He shrugged. “It’s a mimosa. Champagne and orange juice. I figured a classy girl like you would know that.”


“I know what it is; I meant why did you get it for me? You do know I’m only seventeen, right?” For the first time, she noticed the large tumbler filled with golden liquid he held. “I didn’t know you drank alcohol, Angel.”


Angel leaned forward, one large hand covering hers where it rested on the table and giving it a gentle squeeze. “Ahh, darlin’ girl,” he whispered. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me.”


Flirting. Angel was flirting with her. And where had that lilting accent come from? God, what a turn-on!


Feeling suddenly overheated, Cordelia gulped down half of her drink before she realized it. She wasn’t too worried since she’d had champagne before with her parents. The funny aftertaste she blamed on the orange juice.


He bought her several more drinks over the next few hours. They talked and he even danced with her to a couple of slow songs, stealing her breath when his hands seemed to drift accidentally onto sensitive places. And then he kissed her.


It was good. Not Xander good, but good enough that she didn’t protest when he suggested they step outside for some air. Her head was swimmy and she giggled helplessly, feeling curiously weak as he led her out the back door.


He had her behind the malodorous dumpster and up against the wall before the door closed, his mouth voracious as it devoured hers. She gasped in pain as his lips smashed hers, splitting the soft flesh until the coppery tang of blood coated her tongue.


“Hey!” Shocked and outraged, Cordelia tried to push him away from her. “Angel, stop it, you’re hurting me! W-what the hell is your problem?”


Hard hands bit into her shoulders and he slammed her back so hard her head cracked into the brick wall. He thrust his leering face close to hers, his soft, chilling laugh turning her blood to ice.


“A-A-Angelus?” she stammered, her eyes wide with terror. “Oh God, no…”


That low, wicked laugh again. “No, sweetheart, but I’ll be sure to tell him you said hello,” he assured her silkily. One of his hands pinned both of hers above her head, the small bones of her wrist grinding between his meaty fingers. The other swept up the side of her thigh, the delicate lace thong offering no protection as he ripped it away and dropped it carelessly to the ground.


Cordelia panicked, kicking and thrashing against him and turning her face away in disgust as he tried to kiss her again. He chuckled, running his tongue up the side of her face.


“Ahh, I do so love the taste of a fresh, young virgin,” he drawled. “So hot and sweet, you are… And the smell of you!” He buried his face in her neck and breathed deep of her scent. “I can’t wait to bust that tart little cherry of yours, Cordy lass.”


His mocking words renewed her struggles, her choked sobs and whispered pleas only inciting him further.


“I slipped a little something in your drink to make you more… agreeable, so don’t waste your energy fighting me, darlin’. You’re gonna need it when I start fuckin’ that hot little quim of yours.”


Angel braced her thighs open with his knees and shoved two thick fingers into her virginal channel, smothering her pained scream with his mouth. She bit his lip savagely and he jerked away with a snarl.


“So much for foreplay, I guess.” His free hand fumbled with his pants to free his hard cock. “Wanna see what I got for you, Cordy?” he jeered.


“Oh God. Angel, please don’t do this,” she begged, a mixture of tears and make-up spoiling her pretty face. “You’ll lose your soul again if you do this.”


Her pitiful attempts to reason with him made him roar with laughter. “No, I really won’t,” he scoffed. “I’d have to care about you to lose my soul, Cordy m’ girl. You’re a nice wet gash to bury m’ prick in, nothing more.” He drove his fingers into her once more, twisting them viciously within her until she cried out. “Well, maybe not wet, but I can work around that.”


Cordy winced as he held his hand up in front of her face; certain he was going to slap her.


“Spit,” Angel ordered. “Don’t look at me like ’m daft. You’re dry as the desert and I need some lube. Now, spit.”


A smidgeon of her bitchy nature surged forward and a feral smile curled her bloody lips. Rearing back, she gathered as much spit as her mouth offered and sprayed it across his face instead.


Angel grimaced. “Cordy, Cordy.” He shook his head as he wiped his face clean with his shirt sleeve. “I guess we do this the hard way.”


Eyes flashing yellow, he brought his demon forth, smiling at her through a mouthful of lethally sharp teeth. Holding her horrified gaze, he bent his head to her chest.


Slashing at her silk dress with his fangs until it hung in tattered ribbons, he sank his teeth into one of her plump breasts, tearing at the satiny flesh until her blood flowed in crimson rivers.


Cordy bit back her screams, refusing to give him the satisfaction. She turned her head into her shoulder as he swiped his hand through the blood.


“You’re gonna bleed anyway; what’s a little more gonna hurt, huh?” he crooned as he stroked his bloody hand over his cock.


She tried to summon the strength to fight him off. She did. But whatever he had slipped in her first drink was now in full effect and she could only hang limply from his punishing hands as he shoved her quivering thighs apart with his hips.


Crushing her slim body into the bricks, Angel released her hands to fall lax at her sides. Grabbing her knees, he forced them high and wide. He still wore his vampire guise and she caught his fangy grin as he bent over and spat a blob of saliva on her trimmed pussy and rubbed it around.


Without warning he plunged his blood smeared cock into her, tearing her delicate flesh and bursting through her maidenhead with no regard for her untouched status, reveling in the pain he caused her.


There was no one to hear her pleas for help as he pounded her against the wall relentlessly. The monster that wore Angel’s face mocked her as she cried bitter tears.


“Why do you cry? I’m doin’ you a favor, lass. Getting’ you all broken in for your little boyfriend. Think he’ll want to fuck you after you’ve been with a monster?”


He pressed an incongruously soft kiss to her wet cheek, his tongue lapping at the salt of her tears as he tasted her humiliation, laughing as she cowered away from him with a mewl of disgust.


Trying to block out his hateful spiel, choosing instead to concentrate on Xander’s sweet, dopey face and warm brown eyes, Cordy cursed herself. Stupid. Spoiled and selfish and stupid, stupid, stupid.


Staring down into the deformed face of the demon bent on her destruction, Cordelia Chase knew that if she managed to somehow survive his attack, she would never again be the bitch-queen of Sunnydale High. Would never again look down on others from her pretty pedestal of superiority. Angel had broken that golden pedestal as sure as he had broken her body.


He kept at her, his feral grunts and groans rising in volume as he savaged her with cock and fangs. She felt as if he were splitting her in two. Her crotch burned with pain and she could fell the steady drip of her blood as it coated her thighs. It flowed copiously from the bite marks that now littered her shoulders and breasts.


A look of horror dawned across her face as he reached between them, wetting his thumb in her virgin’s blood and sweeping it roughly over her clit.


“No!” she screamed. “No, no, no!”


This was familiar to her body, a part of the innocent love play that she and Xander had indulged themselves in rather than going ‘all the way’. For Angel to force her to find any kind of pleasure in this heinous act was the ultimate defilement of her innocence.


“Oh, yes!” His maniacal laugh rang out in the stygian darkness. “Can’t leave you wantin’, now can I?” he chortled as she thrashed against him, glorying in the hatred that poured from her flashing eyes.


“You fucking bastard,” she hissed as she fought her body’s reaction to his ministrations. She gritted her teeth against the onslaught of her unwilling orgasm. “Nooooooooooo!”


“Oh, it just gets better, baby,” he taunted. Grabbing a fistful of her long hair and yanking her head to the side, he sank his teeth into the vulnerable artery.


Cordelia shuddered with the strength of the climax that swept over her.  The guilty pleasure that suffused her was at war with her feelings of filth and shame that he had been successful in making her come, that the body she thought she knew so well could betray her in such a way.


Angel roared as his own release followed close behind hers and he ground against her with each burst of dead seed that coated her womb. He continued to suck greedily at her neck.


Her long eyelashes drifted closed and she could feel her heartbeat stutter alarmingly. Cordelia was seconds away from death when she heard the soft murmur of a familiar voice and the scrape of footsteps coming towards them.


Angel jerked away with an enraged snarl, yellow eyes alert as he peered into the darkness. A quick sniff of the air told him who was approaching. And who she was with.


Stepping back, he let her fall to the ground, smiling as she fought for control of her rubbery legs enough to stand, her eyes spewing her contempt for him.


Allowing his demon to finally recede, he fastened his pants and smoothed his hair.


“Not bad, Cordy m’ darlin’. Give me a call if Xander doesn’t hit it right.”


Blowing her a kiss, he quickly disappeared into the darkness, the off key song he was singing floating back to her, burning her ears with its coarseness.


“Oh Cordy, well you came ‘cause my dick got you shakin’, then I threw you away, oh Cordy…” 




The insidious weakness of shock and blood loss seeped through her limbs and fogged her vision. The voice came again, closer this time and there were two of them now; one the deep bass rumble of a man. Desperate to reach them, whoever it was, she forced herself to move.


Cordy whimpered and began dragging herself from behind the dumpster he’d ravaged her behind. An inch at a time, her fingernails snapping off at the quick as she scrabbled for purchase against the crumbling asphalt of the alley.


Bits of broken glass and sharp rocks shredded the soft flesh of her forearms and knees as she pulled herself along. Just a little further…


“Slayer.” The deeper, accented voice reminded her of Giles. “Might want to get your ass over here, pet. This doesn’t look good.”


A pair of worn black boots stepping into her path brought a halt to her efforts and she collapsed to rest her cold, bloody cheek against pavement still warm from the heat of the day.


Another pair of boots, also black but with a stylish, chunky heel joined the first.


“Oh my God. Oh, Cordelia…”


Her red-rimmed eyes lifted to meet the horrified hazel eyes of the slayer and she sagged with relief into Buffy’s arms. She could rest now.


Cordelia had never felt so safe.